An astonishing grass grows in South America. It grows almost half a metre per day, stands temperatures from – 25 °C to + 50 °C, is harder than wood, concrete or steel (Bamboos succeded with scientific tear-resistance test compared to structural (constructional) steel) and due to its elasticity, it can withstand heavy earthquakes. Even with a volcano eruption, the hard-to-inflame grass can be crushed with 20 cm-thick cinder layers and can rejuvenate, while other plants must be grown again. This astonishing grass is the bamboo.
- … knows no obstacles
- … reaches a height of 30 m
- … and is tough
This gigantic bamboo grass known as «Guadua angustifolia» reaches heights of 25-30 meters and belongs worldwide to the thickest and hardest bamboo variety. The growth and qualities of this super grass correspond to very modern high-tech material. It grows extremely straight and gets rejuvenated upwards every weak. This bamboo’s diameter and resilience are above-average and its wear and tear is low, compared to other bamboo kinds. The most astonishing aspect however, with the lightweight «Guadua angustifolia» is it’s enormous Push-Pull-and Load-carrying capacity, only comparable with steel. A square centimetre of bamboo has probably has the pulling capacity of two tons of mild steel. Thanks to it’s prominent mechanical and technical qualities, is this bamboo considered better than other timber woods.
Bamboo is also valid as a classic example of endurance and environmental compatibility. No other plant produces because so much «Biomass» like bamboo. An example: In comparison to the oak bamboo, the «Guadua angustifolia» produces fourfold the amount in «Biomass». Under optimum climatic conditions one single plant can produce within 35 years up to 15 km of usable stalks and trunks, which means 7’000 m2 of land can be used yearly as building material for approx. 50 medium-sized houses.
- … protects the Rainforest
- … binds more carbon than trees
- … improved water quality
Favoured by it’s extremely fast growth, bamboo produces a huge amount amount of carbon dioxide and considerably more oxygen than most other plants. The far reaching thick roots work lifts the ground-water level and efficiently prevents soil erosion – a big problem in many tropical countries.
The description «bamboo» is incidentally derived from the Malayan word «bambu», which onomatopoetically describes what happens when bamboo stalks burn. Namely, the hot air in the hollow spaces expands and when bursting it sounds: «Bamm Buuh».